Dear Burpee Community Supporter,
Thanks to your support, Burpee Museum of Natural History made great strides in financial stability, scientific research, and exhibits. Because of people like you, Burpee is hip, challenging, exciting, and surging forward like never before! I hope you will continue to support the difference we are making in the Rockford community and beyond.
Burpee Museum is indebted to our community sponsors. Our donors make our work possible. Thank you for believing in the work Burpee Museum does on a daily basis, and making a difference in our community! Thank you for all you do to bring the Natural Sciences to LIFE!
Your involvement made the following possible:
- Over 16,000 FREE virtual exhibit interactions during COVID-19 shutdowns
- FREE classes for over 1,200 youth who would not otherwise be able to afford science experiences
- Three NEW exhibits and 4 renovated exhibits open in February 2021
- Traveling Exhibits and Temp Exhibits on topics from Reptiles to East African Wildlife
According to our audit, over 80% of every dollar spent went directly to scientific and educational programming and exhibits
Thank You Donors!
- The Brubaker Charitable Trust
- The Jay Broast Family
- Robert Moore & Nancy Engelhardt-Moore
- The Thomas Thompson Family
- The Vittore Family
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)
- Community Foundation of Northern Illinois (CFNIL) Grant Award
- 81Thrive Grant Award
- The Anderson Family Foundation
- The Kjellstrom Family Foundation
- The Dean Alan Olson Foundation
- Loyd Koch Family Foundation
- John & Jean Frana
- ASTC (Association of Science & Technology Centers)
- Bergstrom, Inc. Charitable Foundation
- Daniel Schlitz and Family
- Greenlee Textron
- Guy B. Reno Family Foundation
- Northwestern Illinois Contractors Association
- Voya Foundation
- Charles Anderson & Family
- David Anderson
- Dennis Harezlak
- Dorothy Baits
- Eric Neubauer
- Estwing Manufacturing
- Fred Wham & Family
- Jack Holmbeck Family
- Jeffery Anderson
- John Anderson
- Jon Reidy
- AGC Aircraft Gear Corporation
- Josh Sunderbruch
- Kristin Anderson
- Lynn McConville
- Molly Phalen
- Dr. Richard Miller’s Miller Eye Care
- Ross – Ironside Family
- Dr. Robert Firlit Family
- Stephen Weber
- Tracy Anderson
- Dennis Harezlak Family
- Illinois Tool Works
- Bob Guirl Family
- Gloyd Foundation
- Golden Apple Foundation
- Rikki Raflo
- Sjostrom Inc.
- Avery Hearn
- Allan Carlson & Family
- Ben Harding Foundation
- Ben Miller Foundation
- Bruce Nelson
- Chantel Bielskis & Family
- Deanna Wilner
- Don Mateer-Hallsten
- Frank Tully
- Hazen Tuck
- James Weerda
- Jeff Behr
- Joseph Schoening D.D.S.
- Karen Bieschke
- Melvin Jackovich
- The Mike Spoden Family
- Robert J. Firlit & Laura Firlit
- The Roger Lundstrom Family
- William Kobler
- Anne Boccignone
- Adam Jennison
- Barbara Wilson
- Bill Funke
- Candy Armstrong
- Charo Chaney
- Charleen Boudreau
- Cheryl Metcalf
- Chase Cavanaugh
- Dan Loescher
- Dana Ragaller
- Dawn Monge
- David Goss
- Denise Somers
- Don Buck
- Donald Holt
- Donald Martin
- Donald Terasaki and Family
- Dick Leighton
- Dudley & Stephanie Andrew
- Erick Anderson
- Francis Martinez
- G M Scheurich
- George and Mary English
- Gerald Ogren
- Gregory Georgis
- Greg Skladzien & Family
- Hanna Messmer
- Dr. Jaime King Woodford & Family
- Jack Armstrong
- James Keeling
- James Knutson & Family
- James Marshall
- Jean Moravek
- Jeffery Fahrenwald
- Jessica Powell & Alex Powell
- Jim O’Brien
- Jim Slezak
- Joan Gullo
- John Heisel
- John Phalen Jr.
- Julia Kindler
- Kari Severson
- Karen Bieschke
- Karen Morris
- Kimberly Kovanda
- Kurt Bell
- Laura Houtkamp
- Linda Burkhard
- Mary Fillip
- Melvin Jackovich
- Michael Portnoy
- Michael Reidy
- Mike & Bev Weerda
- Mr. Rifkin
- Onile Sestokas
- Patricia Gomez
- Paul Vaitkus
- Rhonda & Russ Dailing
- Robert Quimby & Family
- Roger Cushing
- Sandra Johns
- Sandra Mathews
- Sarah Nonevski & Family
- Sindy Micho
- Steve Simpson
- Stephen Somers
- Steven Landi
- Susan Haney
- Susan McJunkin
- Theodore Gahlbeck
- Thomas Boswell
- Thomas E. Kress
- Timothy Keaveny
- Tyler Smith
- Wally Harper
- William Barnhardt
- Will Georgis
- The Northwest Bank
- Alexis Lindstrom
- Allan Carlson
- Allie Branca
- Allison Schey
- Alma-Marie Graf
- Amanda Early
- Amber Baggarly
- Amy Jurado
- Amy Lesch
- Anita Mccoy
- Ann Wasser
- Anne Boccignone
- Arleta Juliano
- Ashley and David Hahn
- Ashley Hancock
- Austin and Nicole Busker
- B. David Baddour
- Barb Ferry
- Ben & Mary McNamara-Bernsten
- Ben & Daniel Erickson
- Bernadette Porter
- Beth Lipton
- Beverly Vait
- Bill & Lisa Hughes
- Bill & Meghan Wirtz
- Bill Funke
- Bonnie Johnson
- Brad Brown
- Branden & Kelli Bauer
- Brenda Hart
- Brent Seeseld
- Brian Demski
- Brooke Billeter
- Catherine Herdeman
- Chad Richards
- Chantal Schwebach
- Cheri Carlson
- Chris and Sandy Wrate
- Chris Squires
- Christina Carter
- Christine Juiris
- Christopher Jensen
- Christy Wagner
- Cindy Chapell
- Craig Zomcheck
- Crystal Toenjes
- Danica Keeton
- Dave Lund
- David and Candice Berg
- David and Deborah Coon
- David Kloepfer
- David Strebel
- Dean Monge
- Deborah Speed
- Derek & Amy Bonnell
- Derek Mart
- Diana Wiemer
- Donald Holt
- Ed Bethke
- Elizabeth Mendoza
- Elmo Dowd
- Emily Freiburger
- Emily Heindel
- Eric Neubauer
- Erin Lange
- Felicia & Jacob Ehrhardt
- Frederick Donofrio
- Fredy Martinez
- Gabriela & Peter Sambrook
- George & Mary English
- Geraldine Dolan
- Grant & Erin Moore
- Gregory Georgis
- Gundrun Wetak
- Hannah Terpstra
- Hazen Tuck
- Heather Firlit
- Jack Armstrong
- Jack Ramsey
- Jacob & Amber Gille
- James Monge
- James Park
- James Richart
- Jane Bucher
- Janie Negrette
- Jason Hanggi
- Jason Vulgamott
- Jeff & Julie Jamison
- Jeff & Kelly Marrs
- Jeffrey Keleo
- Jennifer & Eric Archer
- Jennifer Bahr
- Jennifer Benters
- Jennifer Listerud
- Jennifer Oleary
- Jennifer Wanat
- Jennifer Williamson
- Jill Becker
- Jim O’Brien
- Jim Slezak
- Jim Weerda
- Jimmy Peralta
- John & Jean Frana
- John Alesandrini
- John Heller
- John Messley
- Jon Blickwede
- Jon Groh
- Jon Reidy
- Josh Sunderbruch
- Joy & Jake Sawin
- Juan Alonso
- June Jones
- Karen Mack
- Kate & Mary Lisk
- Kate Taylor Shields
- Kathleen Parker
- Kathy Scarpaci
- Kayleen Brown
- Kelly Longoria
- Kelsey & Robert LaNou
- Ken Winn
- Kevin Albers
- Kevin Swan-Anderson
- Kristi Buckley
- Kristin Hamblock
- Laura Henningson
- Laurie Kristoff
- Leo Dettman
- Lindsay Hill
- Lisa Bielskis
- Lonna Ignacio
- Lori Johnson
- Lou & Susan Carbajal
- Lowell Ingram
- Lynn Stainbrook
- Lynnette Sawyer
- Mandy Minson
- Marcelle Schwartz
- Marcy & John Grochowski
- Margaret Carlson
- Margo Barr
- Mark Bestul
- Mark Calderon
- Mark Juiris
- Mark Seger
- Mary Grigson
- Matthew Lee
- Megan Seger
- Melissa Heim
- Melissa Kiely
- Melissa Murphy
- Mike Paterson
- Molly & Sumo Bhattacharya
- Molly Bennett
- Mr France
- Myneco & Brandon Ramirez
- Nancy McIntosh
- Nancy Murray
- Nichole Smith
- Nicole Hayes
- Nicole Pulfer
- Nyri & TJ Lawhon
- Patti Naretta
- Paul Hettich
- Peter & Julie DeZwijger
- Phillip Winiecki
- Robin Henning
- Roger Cushing
- Rosa Malone
- Russell & Rachel Brunner
- Ryan & Christy Miles
- Ryan Lovejoy
- Sam Baker
- Sam Overton
- Sandra Sundmark
- Sara Porter
- Scott & Krysta Wasilewski
- Sheila Bradford
- Sheila Haas
- Sheldon Weiss
- Shellie & Nadia Mohamed
- Shetari Schmitt
- Sophie & Joseph Gaziano
- Stacey Thompson
- Stephanie Metzler
- Stephen & Utahna Denton
- Stephen Tesar
- Susan McJunkin
- Susannah Mohaupt
- Tammy Grant
- Tammy Warren
- Tanya Kerr
- Thomas & Jennifer Duncan
- Todd Johnson
- Tom Scheider
- Valerie McCann
- Victor Giordano
- Vincent Heirbaut
- Walter Polinski
- William Freiburger
- William Seidel
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and caused they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
- To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
- To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
- To have access to the organization’s most recent audited financial statements.
- To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
- To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition, by donor preference.
- To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
- To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
- To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers or employees of the organization.
- To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists.
- To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
The text of this statement was adopted from language by the American Association of Fund-Raising Counsel (AAFRC), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).