Volunteer Opportunities

We Love Our Volunteers!

After you have been trained in Burpee volunteering procedures and codes of conduct, you are ready to sign up for volunteering at Burpee! Click dates of interest, and add your name to open spots indicated by the <?> symbol in the time slot.  Simply delete the symbol and add your name.

Haven’t you applied to volunteer?
Can’t make the full shift?  Want to stay longer?

Thats OK.  Just indicate your arrival (or departure) time in the slot so the volunteer coordinator can be ready for you!

summer img car
Summer At Burpee


Volunteer in the AM or PM at Burpee with multiple docent roles for all ages!

Jane balloooooons2
Jane’s Un-Earthed Day


Help us celebrate 20 years of Jane! Her Birthday Un-Earthed Day!

Burpee Birthday Gala

AUG 20

Help us celebrate the Museum’s history at Burpee’s 80 Birthday Party.

Sign Up to Volunteer


Approved volunteers will be given access to this calendar (parents/guardians of our Junior Volunteers) to add their names to open dates and events directly. Our volunteer coordinator will get an email when you interact and sign up on the calendar.